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Board of Governance


The Governing Body (GB) of Loknete Gopinathji Munde Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nashik, has been constituted for a Term of Five Years commencing in accordance with the Guidelines for SPPU affiliated colleges.

Roles & Responsibilities
  1. Policy Formulation and Oversight: Approving and formulating institutional policies related to academic, administrative, and financial activities, ensuring alignment with the institute’s goals and the guidelines set by affiliating bodies such as SPPU.
  2. Resource Allocation and Budget Approval: Approving the annual budget, ensuring optimal resource allocation, and overseeing financial management to support academic and infrastructural development.
  3. Academic and Administrative Excellence: Ensuring that academic and administrative procedures meet the highest standards, and promoting innovation in curriculum, pedagogy, and teaching methods.
  4. Institutional Development: Guiding the long-term vision of the institute, setting strategic goals for growth, infrastructure development, and ensuring the overall progress of the institution.

Committee List
SN Name Designation Details
1Er.Shri. Hemant H.DhatrakPresidentSecretary Of Trust

2Shri.Babusheth B. NagarjoreMember Mgt.Nominee
3Shri.Uday P. SangaleMemberMgt. Nominee
4Shri.Balasaheb R.PalveMemberMgt.Nominee
5Dr.Arun Kumar DwivediMember (Edu)Dean Edu. Sector
6Prof.Sanjivani S BhabadMember (Edu)Professor
7Shri.Anand dattatraya PundlikMemberIndustrialist
8Shri.Vijay Nivrutti SonawaneSenet Uni. NomineeSPPU Pune
9Western Regional Officer AICTE NomineeMember WRO Office Mumbai
10Joint Director DTEMember DTE Office Nashik
11Prof.Yogesh S PawarAsst.ProfessorSenior Faculty
12Prof.Nikhil V KapadeAsst.ProfessorSenior Faculty
13Dr.Kailas V. ChandratrePrincipalPrincipal Secretary